A Design proposal for the broadway musical about Rita Hayworths life
Client Yeser Al-naemi
The stage look and experience is inspired by a loud and busy 1940’s dinner party, transforming visually throughout the show.
A mixture of architecture references such as curved stairways and symmetry, and the furniture and atmosphere of the restaurant on a busy night, transform the broadway show into a moment in time, taking the audience with it. The band is integrated into the atmosphere of the stage, sitting at
the dinner tables and participating in the party.
The stage incorporates different levels, materials, and windows of space. Curtains and other surfaces act as canvases for projections and mappings, transform the stage between scenes. This allows for the space to change every scene without changing the actual set. The set also allows for several vignettes of moments where different scenes can happen. Beneath the first level we can find these spaces, allowing the actress to change on stage, and to enter different rooms as the scenes suggest.